Claude Lecoutre Notaire

Birth*Claude Lecoutre Notaire was born before 1 July 1647 at Rouen, Normandie, France
ChristeningHe was christened before 1 July 1647 at Rouen, Normandie, France
Death*He died after 4 October 1648 at Trois-Rivières, St Maurice, Québec, Canada
Burial*He was buried after 4 October 1648 at Trois-Rivières, St Maurice, Québec, Canada
Occupation*He was employed between 1 July 1647 and 4 October 1648 at Québec, Québec, Québec, Canada, Royal Notary. 
(Witness) Marriage ContractHe notarized the marriage contract of Jean Veron and Marguerite Hayet on 6 August 1648 at Trois-Rivières, St Maurice, Québec, Canada; Disposed.